Posted in Editorial

My Plant-based diet, year two.

In February 2022, my Doctor suggested that I go into a plant-based diet. I had been diagnosed with Lactose Intolerance my digestive tract wasn’t working properly.

I was feeling, run-down, and bloated, and no matter what I ate it was causing me severe digestive problems. My journey was not an easy one. I had to learn how to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat. I also had to learn going semi-vegan was not an easy task. My taste buds fought me all the way, certain foods just did not taste or look the same. I know, how to cook meat, but cooking vegetables was a new ball game. Herbs and spices had a new meaning for me and I had to learn to cook vegetables not as a side dish, but as the main course of a meal. Tofu is still a challenge, I am still learning how to cook it, but I will learn.

I am not going to lie, the first year, my wallet took a big hit. I had to experiment with different food items to find the best ones for me. Not all supermarkets are the same, they do not carry all the plant-based items, they just carry the items that sell. So, do not be surprised, if you find yourself going to different stores to find all the items you need. Once, you determine, which items are good for you (taste, price, quality) do stick with them. Yes, I have found items that I really enjoyed being discontinued or the manufacturer just when out of business. That is also another frustrating challenge.

Two of the things I missed the most at first were cheese and my favorite milk chocolate bar. Luckily for me, I found “Follow Your Heart” I am in cheese heaven with them, and “Hershey’s” Plant-based chocolates. So yes, a big shout-out to them both. I also learned, how to really cook, not just open a box or a can, and to think I am the greatest chef in the world.

Two years later, I am still learning, I have learned to cook properly my vegetables, I shop wisely, I enjoy my almond milk and I even bake cakes and cookies. I do use sometimes plant-based meats. My holidays are not looking sad and gloomy anymore. My energy has increased, I do not feel bloated and my digestive tract is thanking me for the change. My wallet is also happy, I spent less at the supermarket. I also lost 60 pounds and I feel great, and I have kept the weight off.

Please, do not feel discouraged on this journey, it does take time. If you are the only one in your household doing this, please, do not give up. In my house, I am the only one and yes, it can be non-productive to cook just for you, but your family will come around.

The main goal here is to be healthy, feel healthy, and enjoy the food you eat. Do not give up, this will be the greatest adventure of your life.

Posted in News

To Be or Not To Be….The Vegetarian Question


Why did I choose to become a Vegetarian?

“I think, I want to keep my answer real and simple as to the why.”

I am sure by now, we all know what is to become Vegetarian or Vegan and the different variations of the two classifications. If not, I will briefly explain them here.

Vegetarian – A person who eats only fruits and vegetables.

Vegan – A person who eats only fruits and vegetables and does not use (in any form or shape) anything that is manufactured, tested, acquired from animals, and so on.

Variation of Vegetarians

Lacto-Vegetarian – You do not eat meats or eggs, but do consume dairy-product (milk, cheese).

Ovo-Vegetarian – You do not eat meats or dairy, but do eat eggs or use eggs in the preparation of their meal.

Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian – You do not eat meats, but do eat eggs and do eat dairy products.

Pescatarian – You do not eat meat but will eat seafood and may or may not eat dairy and eggs.

Flexitarian – (The Flexible Diet) – You concentrated on eating fruits and vegetables and occasionally will eat eggs, dairy products and once in a while will consume meats as well.

Why Did I choose to become a Vegetarian? I wanted to live.

I love animals, if you have read my blogs, I strongly believe in the fight against animal abuse of any kind. But that wasn’t what got me to change my eating habits, the change came when I got terribly sick from consuming animal products. Meats, dairy, eggs, and seafood. Why? I do not know. I do know, as many of us do, we do our research, we “google” and we read everything there is about the production of the food we consume. My knowledge of where I got my products started and ended at

the grocery store or supermarket. Then I got curious and without putting any blame or defaming anybody or any industries, I was shocked, I was disgusted, and I was horrified by the processed and manufacturing of the product.

I am not going to go into details on the process of “The Slaughterhouse” or the injection or consumption of antibiotics in the food these animals eat. I am not going to go into detail, how inhumane is the transportation of these animals to the kill site. How delusionable we are in the interpretation of “cage free”, and what it really means.

How blind we are in how a cow really produces milk? Why are “male baby chick” grind alive because they have zero purpose in our food consumption? Why are hormone injected or fed to these animals so they can grow super fast and be super big in half the time (so you can enjoy a huge drumstick) while this animal are unable to sustained the dramatic growth which causes their injury, pain or even early death. How the term “humanly killed” is just a term and has no value or meaning and more times that we care to admit these animals are butchered (skined) while they are still alive and feeling the pain.

Do your own research, educate yourself. I am not here to change your mind or even convert you into vegetarism. I get it, you love your chicken wings, drumsticks, that juicy steak on the grill or that tasty pork. I did too! Until my body showed me in not a very kind way, continued this path and it will surely kill you.

I am not a hyprocated, I chose to live, and by knowing more why it was necessary the change for me it became more powerful, more easy to say “No!”

For me and for those animals is one less human they have to die for and one more human who cares about their pain and their inhuman suffering. One more human who does care and it is making a different regardless of my selfish reason that I just wanted to live.

What is your opinion on Vegetarism? What really matters to you?

I love to read your respond.

For now, thank you for reading “The Poor American” Blog.

Posted in News

The Pandemic Trend

“I wanted to take this opportunity to give my condolences to all the families who has lost their love ones to Covid-19. We have all been effected one way or another through this pandemic. My family as well have lost great people, who we can never be replace and they will surely never be forgotten.” CR

Human life is very precious and at times, we can loose sight of what is important, going back to 2019, I was like everyone, amazed by the horror, dumb founded with stupidity, this can never happened here, and amused by the shortage of TP.

Being 24/7 with your family is not easy, wearing a mask, was not and still not fun, social distancing was hurtful and not enjoying the little things we have taken for granted, for so long, has been a life changing experience. My husband renovated the whole house, he even took up gardening (I never ever want to see another cherry tomatoes) and I took Nail Art.

20210811_194106 as you can see, my effort are starting to improved dramatically or maybe not. I just wanted to let everyone know, you are not alone and we are all here for you. We love you, we are always praying for you and never, ever loose hope. Things might not ever go back to before, but looking ahead it is what really matters. Being a better person and having faith for a better tomorrow is what really matters. We all have made it this far, let’s not quit, so don’t give up. Do what you need to do, home school, work from home, start a new endeavor, work hard to keep what you have. Regardless, you are not alone, we are not alone. 

My Do It Yourself, nail adventure, may not get me into a You Tube Video, but it has given me my sanity back, relived my stress and made it so what fun.

Hang tuff, and thank you.


Max and me. I almost lost him this year to cancer but he is doing well with his treatment.
Posted in News

We The People….

by Cristina Roskoff-Harris
It is no secret COVID-19 has turned all our lives around, from the Toilet Paper
Madness, the working at home necessity, schooling our children from home, social
distancing and wearing masks and gloves where ever we go.
Our government doesn’t get it, we did learn from our mistake from the 2008-
2009 Recession. We adapted, we thrived, we made our life better. No one man
or woman can do this alone. No one man or woman can take credit for all our
hard work and achievement. It is foolish, it is egotistical and totally insane.

40,000 plus life has been lost, that is not acceptable.  There is no cure. There isn’t any type of medicine to help you get over this virus. We are flying blind here.

Personally, I lost a great friend, my husband lost a family member. The losses are great, they are painful, they are real. I have to protect my elderly Mom, my handicapped son, my daughter who has a respiratory condition.

We all work paycheck to paycheck and we all need to go back to work, but we also need to feel safe, we need the assurance of equality and we need great leadership to survive.

We are all in this together. The Coronavirus doesn’t discriminate. There is No Red or Blue states. There is only “WE”.

Call your governor, your congressman, your representative, your local official, tell them without us “we the people” there isn’t anything to govern.



Posted in Editorial, Entertainment, Humor, Money, Technology

Yes! I have cut the cord and I am saving money.


Just as everyone is on board with “Less is More”, I came on board with “cutting the cord”.

It was no brainer, My cable company decided to charge me $200 a month for their services and I decided it wasn’t happening.

Now, you do have to do your research. You have to decide what you can live with and what you can live without.

You have to make sure you are willing to compromise and stick to it. Here are some pointers for the future cord cutters.

Research: There are several different media stream devices out there. From Google Cast, Rokus, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, and Android Boxes.  Do your homework, research, read, youtube it. Get familiar with the systems that work best for you and your household.

Equipment: Here is where it gets tricky. While you are skipping along and handling your cable company their equipment you will need to invest in your own. Depending how many TV your household has. It can get pricey.

You will also have to invest in an over-the-air antenna for the channels you can get for free. For some of us, a Flat indoor antenna with a 50 miles range is good enough and the cost is very practical.

Internet: As much as you want to say goodbye to your cable company. You have to remember they provide you with the internet. So negotiated a good price for internet service and make sure you get sufficient MB for streaming. Oh and very important. Find out if they have a cap for how much you can stream a month.

Added services: If you can not let go in entirely live streaming look for one service that works best for you. Hulu, NetFlix, Sling TV, PlayStation Vue may help you there.

Savings: Just looking at your new bill will make you glow with happiness. It sure did mine. Cutting your cable bill in half or even one third is a big win.

Conclusion: Go ahead ask. How much I save cutting the cord? I was able to cut that nasty $200 bill in half. Yup, I am saving $100 a month. Within six months, the equipment I purchased will be fully paid off.  Now is my turn to ask, what are you waiting for?




Posted in Editorial, Life Stories

I Don’t Work In My Pajamas


I started working at home back in the ’80’s when it wasn’t so cool or even a trend.

As the time progress and working at home become more and more the “norm”. Big business started to incorporate this options to their employees.  It was cost effective, more productivity, and flexible. It was a total win-win for both the businesses and the employees.

The idea was sold with the concept of “work at home”, work in your pajamas, telecommute, save time and money, work from anywhere, be your own boss!

However, it’s not all that flexible, easy and you really shouldn’t work in your pajamas. As the virtual world keeps involving and you have more and more virtual conferences, webinars, meetings and so on.

We the virtual employee or freelance individuals have established a more professional look. Not only does it give us more credibility, but it does set us apart from the typical workforce.  We have incorporated a look, “The Causal Business Friday Look” as our regular look.

Casual Look For Men
Work From Anywhere

Woman working at home

Why? You may ask……Simple, practical, professional, productive, credible, stylish, and above all the beginning of the minimalist trend.

If you are in the new workforce and have the power to work at home. Follow these simple rules.

  1. No Pajamas
  2. Exercise
  3. Eat healthy
  4. Daily Grooming
  5. Dedicated Work Space
  6. Take Time Off

Remember, all work and no play can hurt your morale and make you depress and stressful.






Posted in Editorial, Humor, Life Stories

Top Ten Lies Cheaters Use…..


“I will make this as simple as I possibly can. These are the top ten lies or excuses cheaters give their partners when they know their game is up.”

#10 – Paycheck doesn’t add up

The simple excused given when the hours and pay are not the same….”Its’ must be the new girl at payroll.” “My supervisor must have forgotten to included my hours, he is under a lot of stress.” “I was working on another project, must have not included it on this pay period.”

#9 – Need To Work This Weekend/ Have to go out of town

Yes, the famous “I need to work this weekend and going out of town.” Whatever is your job title or profession. This one really should send you some bells and whistles something is definitely wrong. Double check when in doubt.

#8 – Lending Money

If your significant other is a scrooge and it’s not the giving type. You should question the why and the motives for this change of heart.

#7 – The Long Phone Conversations

I like this one. My ex-husband was full of excuses for this one. “Friends that were in need of moral support.” Ending the conversation with “I love you.”  He would say it’s a guy thing. Added it shows we are “tight”. Really?



You may be one of the lucky ones and your partner, spouse, significant other is pretty honest. But when in doubt, do not hesitate to question it.

#6 – Going to the Store

“Yes, I need to go to the store to get a new tool, a new shirt, a new gadget for the home project, etc.” This would honestly work, if the person did not take 4 to 5 hours to come back, did not omit to answer their phones and came home with nothing to show. Come on! Women are the shopping queens of the world. Yes, we may take all day. But we do bring something back. Oh, and we do answer the phone.

#5 – Going to the Car Wash / Or going to get an Oil Change

How many times do you need to change the oil in your car? Really, I mean, honestly, really…really.  The standard for oil changes is every 3,000 to 5,000 miles or every three to four month depending on your driving conditions.

Going to the car wash is not a big thing. If you can afford it, go for it. What is a big thing is the lie about the huge line, the car wash place ran out of water. There was a huge explosion, wonder why it wasn’t in the news. and so on.

#4 – I have already eaten

Your sweetheart never misses a meal at home. You may not be the culinary chef. Your budget may be tight. But your “hubby” always, always,  eat his meals at home with you.

#3 – The ATM Withdrawals

Yes, if your special someone always paid with their debit card and now it’s on the cash system. That should alert you. All the sudden, a necessity to carry cash. The withdrawals amount should also be questioned as well. Remember cash doesn’t leave a paper trail.

 #2 – Stayed at a friend house

Yes, that dreaded party you did not want to attend or didn’t get invited.” Men only. Got carried away and drank too much. You wouldn’t want me to get arrested for DIU. So I stayed at my friend’s house.” Or even better. “We decided to spend the night at a motel just the five of us. So we could split the bill equally. You understand.”

#1 – The sick or dying friend

This one is my favorite. All of the sudden you have been casually introduced to a long time, lost friend of your spouse. The one he has never ever talked about. His best friend, his buddy or pal. Now he is at the hospital. He is dying. He doesn’t have a lot of time. He must go and see him. Spend time with him. “It’s okay, you do not have to go. He is in ICU. You understand.” Yes, I spend $40 on KFC, it was his last dying wish. How can you judge me, like that.”

Like I said this one is my favorite. If you have others to share. Please do not hesitate to include them in your commets. Until next time…….

Flip Article 2


Posted in Editorial, Life Stories, Money

The Working At Home Profesional 

Any one can tell you  it is not easy to work from home. You have to be very dedicated, organized and a bit of a scheduler freak.

Life as a work at home professional  comes with many challenges.  Deadlines that are unrealistic, but must be accomplished  if you want to be the  best in your field. Not enough hours in the day to work around. Too many meetings to go to. Not enough downtime to enjoy life. But hey, bills need to be pay, right?

My advised  to all the wonderful work@home individuals is this.

Set your goals from the start. 

Yes, set your goals. If you are going to work 10, 20, 30 or even 40 hours a week. Stick to it.

Do not overwhelmed yourself with too much work. Be realistic, if you are being paid, by project, assignment or even by the minute you are on a call. Set your own expectation and meet does goal. Sometimes short-term goals are easier to achieve than long-term goals.

Give yourself time to unwind and relax.

If you do not give yourself time to relax you can burn yourself out. Go out and have fun. Take the fresh air. Dress to impress yourself not others. You are living “the dream”. Enjoy it.

Keep your head  high.

You are working, you are getting paid, you are your own boss. Congratulate yourself. You are a success. Now let’s keep ourselves there.

Posted in Editorial, Life Stories

My Apologies…………


My apologies to my readers for being away for so long. I have been having so personal problems which in turn made me unable to blog until now.

I wrote a post some time back about Divorce 101. The truth of the matter is it’s not a “one size fit all” type of situation. Yes, the premise is the same money, cheating, abuse, or growing apart. What is not the same is the way we may go about it and for how long we continued the abuse even after the separation or divorce.

So let’s be clear…..

a cheater will always cheat.

an abuser will always abuse.

and an immature, selfish needy _____ will always be.


Walk away, no better yet, run! Leave it behind. Start your life, new and fresh.

Do not carry unnecessary baggage that is not yours.  Believe you are #1, act like your are #1 because you are.

You are special. You are great and you will conquer. You will survive this and you will triumph!

If you still have hope in finding someone who will appreciate you, you will.

For the rest of us, that have hang-up the gloves and decided “Batman Rides Alone.” I am with you.

Until next time (which it will be real soon)……..

